Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Can Artificial Intelligence Replace Voice Talent?


Artificial intelligence (AI) has made tremendous strides in recent years and has shown great potential in many fields, including language processing and speech synthesis. Some people have wondered if AI might one day be able to replace voice talent or voice actors. While AI technology has advanced significantly, there are still a number of reasons why it is unlikely to replace voice talent completely.


One reason why AI is unlikely to replace voice talent is that it is currently not capable of replicating the wide range of emotions and inflections that a human voice can convey. Voice actors are trained to be able to convey a wide range of emotions through their voice, and they are able to use subtle inflections and nuances to help convey the meaning and mood of a piece of dialogue. AI, on the other hand, is not yet able to replicate these subtle nuances and is instead limited to synthesizing a limited range of pre-programmed emotions.


Another reason why AI is unlikely to replace voice talent is that it is currently not able to improvise or ad-lib in the same way that a human voice actor can. Voice actors are often called upon to improvise or ad-lib lines in order to better suit the needs of a particular scene or project. AI, on the other hand, is limited to synthesizing pre-programmed scripts and is not able to improvise or ad-lib in the same way that a human voice actor can.


AI also lacks the ability to adapt to different accents and dialects in the same way that a human voice actor can. Voice actors are often called upon to perform in a wide range of accents and dialects, and they are able to adapt their voice to suit the needs of a particular project. AI, on the other hand, is currently limited to synthesizing a limited range of accents and dialects and is not able to adapt as easily to new accents and dialects as a human voice actor can.


Finally, AI is not yet able to replicate the unique qualities and characteristics of a human voice. Each person's voice is unique, and voice actors are able to use their unique voice to bring characters to life in a way that is not possible with AI.


In conclusion, while AI has made significant advances in language processing and speech synthesis, it is unlikely to replace voice talent in the near future. AI is currently not able to replicate the wide range of emotions, inflections, and improvisation that a human voice actor can, and it is also not able to adapt to different accents and dialects or replicate the unique qualities and characteristics of a human voice.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Me on the main page of YSEALI website with Mr President Obama in front of me at the townhall in UM April 2014.
Karnival SMK USJ 4 2010. With friends enjoying the events and stuffs.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Salam Kepada Semua,
Saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan selamat hari raya dan maaf zahir batin kepada semua yang mengenali saya terutamanya kedua ibubapa yang tersayang, satu-satunya abang saya yang tersayang dan juga semua saudara-mara dan sahabat handai semoga berbahagia di hari yang mulia.
Berhati-hatilah semasa memandu dan berbelanjalah dengan berhemat. Biar lambat asalkan selamat dan biar sederhana asalkan berjimat.
Berdoalah kita semoga Allah panjangkan usia kita agar dapat kita bertemu dengan Ramadhan di tahun yang akan datang. Tunaikanlah puasa 6 hari di bulan Syawal yang mana fadhilatnya seolah-olah kita berpuasa setahun lamanya.
Kita telah ditarbiah semasa Ramadhan yang mulia, teruskanlah segala amal yang baik di bulan-bulan yang lain.
Akhir kata semoga kita mendapat manafaat yang berguna semasa Ramadhan dan meneruskan dan menambah segala amal yang baik di bulan-bulan yang seterusnya.
Mikhael Abdul Ghani

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan selamat menjalani ibadah berpuasa kepada semua muslimin dan muslimat di seluruh dunia. Ambillah kesempatan umur yang ada di bulan yang berkah ini untuk melipat gandakan segala aml ibadat kita.
Saya menyusun sepuluh jari-jemari saya memohon ampun dan maaf di atas apa jua kesalahan serta kesilapan yang pernah saya lakukan kepada semua.
Semoga Ramadhan ini akan mengubah kita menjadi insan yang lebih mulia di sisi ALLAH s.w.t.

Mikhael Abdul Ghani

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan selamat datang ke blog saya. Hari ini 1 Ramadhan 1430H bersamaan 22 Ogos 2009 adalah hari yang bersejarah bagi saya kerana ayah saya telah membantu saya untuk membina blog ini.

Tujuan saya adalah untuk berinteraksi dengan saudara-mara, sahabat-handai dan juga guru-guru serta ustaz & ustazah agar dapat mengeratkan lagi tali silaturrahim antara kita semua.

Saya juga mengharapkan agar dapat menerima tunjuk ajar serta nasihat-nasihat yang berguna dari semua pihak.

Di kesempatan ini saya mengucapkan selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak semuga segala amalan kita akan bertambah dan di terima Allah. Saya juga memohon jutaan ampun dan maaf dari semua terutamanya dari ibubapa saya.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Mikhael Abdul Ghani